Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program Welcomes 2025 with Hope and Dedication
Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program: A Renewed Commitment for 2025
As we welcome the year 2025, the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program reflects on its significant achievements over the past year. With the closure of 2024, the program has once again demonstrated its unwavering dedication to supporting disadvantaged children across the United States. Millions of smiles were created through the program, and countless hearts were filled with hope as the efforts translated into concrete action. This initiative managed to touch the lives of over 10 million children last year, providing them with toys, books, and much-needed holiday gifts.
This remarkable milestone was only made possible through the relentless support and generosity of the American public, national corporate partners, local businesses, and a vast network of dedicated volunteers. The teamwork of 874 chapter coordinators and their tireless laborers made a substantial difference, ensuring that the mission of Toys for Tots is realized every holiday season. The program’s CEO, LtGen Laster, expressed immense gratitude towards every donor, stating that