Empowering the Future: Celebrating Pharmacy Technician Leadership Institute's Excellence

Celebrating Leadership in Pharmacy

The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) takes immense pride in recognizing the achievements of the second cohort of its Leadership Institute for Pharmacy Technicians. Running from September to December 2024, this program exemplifies the PTCB's dedication to enhancing leadership skills among pharmacy technicians.

The Leadership Institute, developed in collaboration with the Pharmacy Leadership Education Institute (PLEI), offers a unique environment for pharmacy technicians to cultivate leadership qualities essential for advancing patient care. The initiative serves as a testament to PTCB's commitment to fostering a new generation of leaders within the pharmacy profession.

This year's cohort marked a memorable beginning with an engaging kickoff event, following which participants embarked on an intensive journey filled with five interactive online sessions. These sessions encouraged participants to delve into various leadership concepts, enabling them to refine their skills while encouraging personal reflection, teamwork, and mentorship.

Among the participants, diverse professionals from varying practice settings stood out. They included:
  • - Autumn Hawks, CPhT-Adv, an Assistant Professor and Clinical Coordinator at Salt Lake Community College.
  • - Erin Michael, CPhT, MBA, MS, FAPC, the Director of Member Engagement at PCC.
  • - Kristen Snair, MSJ, CPhT, a board member of the AZ Board of Pharmacy and Licensing Compliance and Regulatory Affairs professional at Olympia Pharmaceuticals.
  • - Diane Halvorson, RPhTech, CPhT-Adv, a board member of the ND Board of Pharmacy and Senior Pharmacy Technician at Sanford Medical Center.

This enriching experience not only enhanced individual participants’ skills but also fostered a supportive community. Participants expressed profound transformations prompted by the program, with many achieving newfound clarity in their leadership aspirations.

Diane Halvorson voiced the sentiment shared by many: “I feel rejuvenated and have a better understanding of how to serve the pharmacy profession as a leader, mentor, co-worker, and friend.” Similarly, Julie Lanza described the program as a transformative journey, stating, “Being part of the Leadership Institute was, by far, the most challenging and equally rewarding experience of my professional path as a pharmacy technician leader.” She emphasized that the program pushed her to examine her strengths and weaknesses from a deeper perspective, ultimately helping her define the leader she aspires to be.

The Leadership Institute is instrumental in driving PTCB's vision of improving patient care and safety through strong pharmacy leadership. Its collaborative approach with PLEI ensures that participants receive not just practical skill sets but also access to a robust network of peers and mentors.

Ryan Burke, PharmD, Senior Director of Professional Affairs at PTCB, shared his satisfaction with the outcomes of this second cohort, noting, “The Leadership Institute continues to empower pharmacy technicians to become the strong leaders our profession needs now and into the future.”

As the PTCB continues to expand its Leadership Institute, it remains steadfast in its mission to support pharmacy technicians in leadership roles and enact positive changes throughout the pharmacy landscape.


In summary, the second cohort of the Leadership Institute for Pharmacy Technicians showcased the effective development of future pharmacy leaders. Through comprehensive training and support, participants emerged with a renewed sense of purpose, enhanced professional relationships, and a vision of the impactful leaders they hope to become. As PTCB builds on the legacy of this successful initiative, it paves the way for continued excellence in the pharmacy profession.

For further details on the Leadership Institute and other PTCB initiatives, please visit www.ptcb.org.

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